Descriptions of books, insights, outlooks on life and dry wit. Political commentary and satirical articles, along with Matthew's unique perspective on how sadly history is repeating itself. A guaranteed chuckle.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Your Book Printed or Published? Amy Collins of New Shelves Books and The Write Way to Publish
Amy Collins, CEO of New Shelves Books joined Books in Heinessight to talk about her best-selling book, The Write Way and her co-authored book Write and Grow Rich. Amy Collins has helped hundreds of best-selling authors to get the maximum performance and exposure for their works. The advice of a long-time industry expert like Amy is invaluable but through her books and her advice on Books in Heinessight, authors can get a better feel for what happens after the writing and publishing process is finished. We will discuss the changes in the publishing world and the common mistakes authors make that lead them to engage New Shelves Books to get their sales moving. Amy will provide resources to websites and other places authors can go for assistance with all aspects of publishing.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Michelle Dickinson Breaking Into My Life
Michelle Dickinson's book, Breaking Into My Life, is an amazing documentation of a personal journey and struggle with a bi-polar parent. On this episode of books in Heinessight, Michelle relates how her family situation left her front and center as the responsible adult, in her pre-teen years, as her and her father tried to help her mother cope with manic and depressive mood swings. Michelle Dickinson discusses ways so identify and to help those suffering from not only the affliction of bi-polar disorder, but mental diseases of all kinds. Michelle is a moderator for the 18 percent organization and encourages anyone with mental health issues to visit the website. This is another Books in Heinessight podcast you don't want to miss!
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Deete Remote Viewing History and the LDS Church
Deete is a remote viewer who uses her abilities to help others. A graduate of Brigham Young University, she found early on that she had the ability to communicate with past entities and understand situations. In this podcast we will discuss her upcoming book as well as her experiences with remote viewing historical figures. It's an amazing podcast you don't want to miss.
Julie Broad of Book Launchers The New Brand You
Julie Broad, founder and CEO of Book Launchers joins us on Books in Heinessight to talk about her latest book, The New Brand You and the idea of branding for authors and everyone. Julie will also talk about her experiences in real estate, publishing and entrepreneurship. The author of More Than Cash Flow, Julie Broad is smart a very smart and savvy businesswoman. This is a podcast you can’t afford to miss.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Dr. Paula Fellingham the Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative
Dr. Paula Fellingham, best selling author of Solutions for Families and Recipient of the George Bush Points of Light Award as well as an Award from Barack Obama is on Books in Heinessight to talk about her books as well as her latest work, The Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative. We will discuss her latest appearance in Toronto at the Parliament of World’s Religions where she spoke about her initiative to enthusiastic audiences. Like all Books in Heinessight podcasts, this is one you don’t want to miss!
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Buyer's Guide to Websites Drew Barton
Drew Barton, CEO of Southern Web has a great book out called the Buyer's Guide to Websites. On this Books in Heinessight Podcast, we will find out some of the trade secrets of the web hosting business and how to get the most out of your website design buck. We will discuss the principles of the contract, SLA's and SOW's. If you don't know what they are, you could get taken on today's web hosting market. This episode is a must for independent and self published authors.
' Instead of raising wages to attract workers and possibly hurting their profits and their stock price, American corporations and bu...