Descriptions of books, insights, outlooks on life and dry wit. Political commentary and satirical articles, along with Matthew's unique perspective on how sadly history is repeating itself. A guaranteed chuckle.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019
Nimitz UFO Encounters Navy Psychological Operation
From the Nimitz encounters of 2004 and recent encounters in 2015, the public is well aware of programs the Navy has had hidden to investigate these phenomena at the same time it said it wasn’t. Now, the US Navy announces it has been searching for unidentified areal phenomenon for sometime. Why the sudden change of attitude? What is the Navy really trying to hide? In this video we take a look at some of the obvious questions and answers surrounding the Navy’s revelations and the reality of the Nimitz and other Encounters.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Jackie Tonks Talks Bigfoot
She’s not a honky Tonks woman. Jackie Tonks is a psychologist and a Bigfoot researcher stationed in the United Kingdom. She has done extensive work with Adam Davies, Brent Dill, Peter Laws, Lori Simmons and a number of other prominent Bigfoot researchers. Jackie has also had an exciting Bigfoot encounter in Northern California she is going to talk about on today’s podcast. Along with her US studies, Jackie has also studied Bigfoot or Yeti in Russia as well as Nepal. We will talk about the Russian Bigfoot that mated with humans and had offspring. It is going to be a podcast you will not want to miss.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Friday, September 13, 2019
Bigfoot, Dogman and Alien No No’s Encounters USA on the Red Wells Show KSVU 90.1
Today the podcast is a little different as I am the guest on the Red Wells Bigfoot show. I joined Red out in rural Concrete, Washington, one of the hotspots of Bigfoot and UFO activity in the Cascades. Red invited me on the show to talk about my experiences with Bigfoot, and some of my background knowledge regarding so-called conspiracies about aliens, bigfoot and dogman.
It was a great opportunity to talk about my experiences as a paranormal podcaster in the brief few months since I began encounters USA. I was able to share some of the experiences I have had and some of the knowledge I have gained about aliens, bigfoot and UFO’s, as well as the people who research them. In a contest between who is the most interesting to study, I think that people who study aliens, bigfoot and dogman are often much more interesting than the topics they study.
Today on the show, I bring up a couple of examples of this interesting social phenomena and let the listener and viewer decided what it is the choose to think or even, believe.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Disturbing Interview Nick Begich and Deborah Tavares Space Weapons, 5G & Mind Control
Nick Begich and Deborah Tavares joined us today for a discussion about space weapons, direct energy, population control, California PG&E and your imminent death. Unfortunately, even Dr. Nick Begich found the topics so hard to stomach he had to excuse himself from the podcast. Find out what Deborah Tavares was saying about you, your government and what you think is really going on. In this podcast we will discuss the HAARP and its technology, space weapons, climate control, the California wildfires, depopulation and much, much more. You won’t want to miss a second!
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Saturday, September 7, 2019
The Bigfoot Tree - Root of the Lori Simmons Brent Dill Pickle
Is there a tree in the woods of Washington that is the entranceway to a family of bigfoot who live underground? Starting with her father, Lori Simmons carried on a legacy of contact with Bigfoot that centered upon a strange, twisted twin Douglas Fir that constantly dances in the wind to the tune of what some say is the Bigfoot knocking. Others, like Brent Dill, say it is nothing more than a branch on a tree rubbing against its counterpart. Others disagree and say terrible things about Brent Dill that left him in a real pickle. Today, we went to that tree and did a full interview in the midst of the high strangeness.
If you love Bigfoot or the Northwest, you don’t want to miss this episode of Encounters USA, no matter what.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Thom Cantrall Marblemount Bigfoot Festival 2019 Part 2 Day 2
The second day of the first annual Marblemount Bigfoot Festival was even more amazing than the first. With his promise of a Bigfoot photo from a campout with Lori Simmons and a British TV crew, nothing could be more exciting. Along with the incredible speakers, the festival was a lot of fun as vendors and guests provided an atmosphere of good old American family time together. The two speakers of the day were Matthew D. Heines, author and host of the Encounters USA podcast. Matthew Heines spoke about Believing in Bigfoot and what does that really mean.
Following Matthew Heines, author and Bigfoot researcher Thom Cantrall spoke about his nearby encounter that was previously mentioned. Thom Cantrall’s presentation did not disappoint. His evidence of glyphs he has photographed in the woods, if authentic, are indications of a language based upon symbols and possible the number of angles and degrees in a message. It is an amazing podcast you don’t want to miss.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Thom Canttrall Marblemount Bigfoot Festival 2019 Part 1
The first annual Marblemount Bigfoot Festival was a resounding success. This year, the festival included famed Bigfoot author and researcher, Thom Cantrall and Encounters USA podcast host Matthew D. Heines as the featured speakers. Between speaking engagements, Matthew D. Heines of Encounters USA interviewed Thom Cantrall about his experiences, his books and his ideas. Thom left us all in suspense as he promised a photo of a Bigfoot with a Lori Simmons expedition, but we had to come back the next day.
Matthew Heines spoke about his podcast Encounters USA. He explains why he started it and more importantly, what he has learned in the few months since he started. He talks about Bigfoot and UFO’s, freemasons and what the cover up is really about. He talks about the Melba Ketchum study, the nature of Bigfoot and the possibility that is stranger than we can understand.
' Instead of raising wages to attract workers and possibly hurting their profits and their stock price, American corporations and bu...