Descriptions of books, insights, outlooks on life and dry wit. Political commentary and satirical articles, along with Matthew's unique perspective on how sadly history is repeating itself. A guaranteed chuckle.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Ted Mahr Out of This World Radio the Encounters USA Interview
Out of This World Radio focuses on the Paranormal and Higher Dimensional activities and beings. Encounters USA had the pleasure of interviewing Ted Mahr and Mashiko Hiyashi at the Sasquatch Summit 2019 in Ocean Shores and we couldn't wait to get back together to continue the interview on Out of the World Radio at The first Encounters USA interview is available on YouTube at the Encounters USA Channel.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Bigfoot Hunting Olympic Peninsula She-Squatchers Encounters USA
The She-Squatchers are an all-female Sasquatch research group from Minnesota and North Dakota and if you're a skeptic they don't care one iota. They are using remote viewing and their native and feminine skills as intuitors to find Bigfoot and communicate their message of peace. They came to the Sasquatch Summit in November and we had a rare opportunity to put their skills to the test as Encounters USA went Squatching on the west coast of Washington State. You won't want to miss a minute of this exciting podcast and YouTube video.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Bigfoot at Mt St Helens: The Jayson Burch Encounters
Jayson Burch is a simple family man who enjoys hunting and camping like many who choose the Northwest as their home. It is his love for the outdoors that has led to one of the most incredible Bigfoot encounters ever experienced by anyone, anywhere. With his home near Mt. St. Helens, the Burch family appears to have chosen an area that has a long history of Bigfoot encounters, sightings and experiences. When they chose to get an early jump on a good camping site was when Jayson Burch’s Bigfoot encounters began. This is one Encounters USA podcast and YouTube video you do not want to miss.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
She-Squatcher Exclusive: Encounters USA Unplugged
There is a team of three women looking for Bigfoot in the dark in the woods of Minnesota and other isolated, remote locations. They are known as the She-Squatchers and they are as fearless as they are smart, beautiful and funny. This podcast and YouTube video, which was originally broadcast on The Journey Radio and uploaded to YouTube on November 6, 2019 on the She-Squatchers YouTube Channel, I wanted to share with my viewers and subscribers these wonderful ladies. They are out looking for Bigfoot and talking about what they find. In this case, they found Encounters USA and your host, Matthew Heines.
In this interview, we will be discussing a number of different aspects of the Bigfoot question. Since the She-Squatchers are on their way to the Sasquatch Summit, we will be disussing Bigfoot on the Olympic Peninsula, Bigfoot and the Missing 411 question. We will discuss the Melba Ketchum controversy as well as what science and religion have to do with Bigfoot and the greater overall conspiracy. We will discuss the Encounters USA philosophy as it applies to Aliens, Bigfoot and UFOs. It’s a great show I didn’t want my viewers and podcast listeners to miss for a minute.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Jen Kruse & She-Squatchers Goin' to Sasquatch Summit
Three women looking for Bigfoot in the dark in the woods of Minnesota and other isolated, remote locations. They are known as the She-Squatchers and they are almost fearless. Today we are going to interview Team leader Jen Kruse and find out all there is to know about the She-Squatchers as we all get ready for the Sasquatch Summit in Ocean Shores Washington. We will be discussing their members, their research, their methods and how they are unique from all other Bigfoot hunters. You won’t want to miss a single moment of this historic encounters USA podcast and YouTube video.
' Instead of raising wages to attract workers and possibly hurting their profits and their stock price, American corporations and bu...