Descriptions of books, insights, outlooks on life and dry wit. Political commentary and satirical articles, along with Matthew's unique perspective on how sadly history is repeating itself. A guaranteed chuckle.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Concrete Bigfoot Evidence Part 1
Encounter USA went to Concrete Washington to follow up on two BFRO Encounters that occurred in the same location over a number of years, at the Grandy Creek and Grandy Lake Bigfoot Hotspots. On the way we stopped by Perks in Concrete to talk to the owner Tanya Melsom about her new operation and a sneak peak to her Bigfoot Encounter at Grandy Creek. It’s a podcast and YouTube video you don’t want to miss!
Thursday, February 20, 2020
UFO's Black Sun Nazis and Nuremberg Sky Battle
“We cannot take the credit for our scientific advancements in certain fields alone. We have been helped.” This quote by Werhner von Braun’s boss has been used again and again by UFO theorists who contend the Nazis had UFO technology prior to and during WWII. Add to the fact the person who said it cited people from other worlds and you have a real conspiracy on your hands. What if that help didn’t come from little grey men or reptilians or Tall Whites, what if it came in the form of a real battle over the skies of Nuremberg in 1561. Is that incredible event the catalyst that would one day turn the tiny principalities of Germany into one of the world’s high tech super states?
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Thom Cantrall A Bigfoot Life
Legendary researcher and author Thom Cantrell joined Encounters USA today to talk about his extensive works, his ideas about Bigfoot and a life of interactions with a creature still labeled as mythical by modern science. Thom was kind enough to give us a little over an hour of his time as we talked extensively about his books and his philosophies of Bigfoot language, communities and interactions. We also discovered some interesting encounters Thom has had and the communications he has had with various Sasquatch Communities.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Monday, February 10, 2020
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Steve Leumbruno Black Triangles ARV's and Zero Point Energy
Today on Encounters USA we talked about Black Triangle UFO’s ARV’s and Zero Point Energy, but only after I eat my words after saying there was no secret space program. Turns out, there is a program that has been in existence since the fifties and possibly sooner (German UFO’s) at least according to Mark Mccandlish. We also talked about Steve’s amazing sightings over the overpopulated areas of Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. In this show we start to look at the “nuts and bolts” of the alien craft and the reproduced alien craft. Don’t miss a single second or you might miss Steve’s own alien reproduction model. Don’t miss a second.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Dr. Simeon Hein On Remote Viewing, Crop Circles and Reality
Today on Encounters USA we welcomed Dr. Simeon Hein author, researcher and head of the Mount Baldy Institute where he teaches remote viewing. Today our discussion focuses on his three books:
Also, we will talk about our Halcyon days at Washington State University (briefly) then we will talk about Dr. Hein’s experiences in the field of crop circles (pun intended) and remote viewing. What is consciousness, what is reality? You don’t want to miss a second of this amazing episode. It’s gonna be a WSU Cougar-iffic podcast!
' Instead of raising wages to attract workers and possibly hurting their profits and their stock price, American corporations and bu...