The premise
In 2010, I spent an entire year writing a book that would not only explain the Book of Mormon and the beliefs of the Latter-day Saint Church, but also how the corporation/government/media culture have created an entire class of non-thinkers. I wrote the book in response to the fact that growing up in a small town as a member of the Latter-day Saint Church, I could never understand why people would take someone's word (especially if it were a malicious lie) instead of reading the Latter-day Saint books (which cost nothing) for themselves and coming to their own conclusions. Before I published the book, I was very concerned that I would suffer the fate of those individuals who have crossed the Freemasons and the banking establishment in the past. (See Andrew Jackson, Joseph Smith (Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Roberto Calvi (God's Banker) etc. etc.)
The Response
How ironic it was, that on the first day the book was publicly available, the first person to attack Deceptions of the Ages was an editorial writer for the Standard Examiner in Ogden, Utah, the very place I was born! He could not possibly have read the book since it is over five hundred pages. He called it a "tome" along with a lot of other degrading remarks. Once I explained to him that I was a member of the Church and my family was still living in Ogden, he printed a retraction. Since then, I have been stigmatized by members of the Latter-day Saint Church, including my own family as well as people I have known most of my life as someone who wrote a book that was "anti-Mormon" simply because of the book's title.
In other words, just like the people who were too lazy to read the Book of Mormon for themselves, the members of the Church were even quicker to judge a book written specifically for them.* How crazy is that? It only takes a mere scan of the first ten pages to realize the book is written from the perspective of a Latter-day Saint who chose to take an objective view in order to establish that all information in the book is based upon the beliefs and views of the individuals mentioned and in no way are my own personal beliefs included in any of the book. Well, with the exception of a few of my classic one-liners and zingers, meant to entertain the reader with my loquacious wit.
The Problem
The problem with the Latter-day Saints is the very same problem that afflicts the rest of the world and has led to almost two hundred years of ignorance, superstition and, worst of all an easily pliable populace of people who are too lazy to find the answer to anything for themselves. Although this has created a political and economic bonanza for the Republicans, oil companies and the health care industry, this kind of thinking (or complete lack thereof) has created a mentality whereby people cannot see a problem as long as people are constantly telling them there is no problem. The cost of ignorance has become so overwhelming that the price has reached the point where it is no longer possible to pay it.
Example 1: The national debt. People in the United States still believe that the lie of the corporation/government/media that the debt we owe is "owed to ourselves" because the media and corporations who own them are the same people who own the Federal Reserve Bank, which is owned by the Rothschild family and their minions in the United States. That debt will be repaid and it will be repaid the same way it has always been repaid in the past. If you wish to know how, read my book.
Example 2: The War On Terror. The Bush family has had a long history of dealings with nefarious groups like Nazis, drug dealers, president killers and an intelligence community that is nothing more than a group of organizations whose purpose is the advancement of a global banking empire (or just empire) under the cruel thumb of the Rothschilds. In 2004 the Prophet of the Latter-day Saint Church, Gordon B. Hinckley, said the following words in General Conference regarding the War on Terror.
"In a democracy we can renounce war and proclaim peace. There is opportunity for dissent. Many have been speaking out and doing so emphatically. That is their privilege. That is their right, so long as they do so legally. However, we all must also be mindful of another overriding responsibility, which I may add, governs my personal feelings and dictates my personal loyalties in the present situation."
The overriding responsibility to which he speaks is that of a person who has no knowledge of the history of the Rothschild banking empire, the real causes of every war since Waterloo, the Bush Family and their associations with sinister organizations or the real criminals behind the 9-11 attacks. How could he, he had never read my book! Had he read my book one has to wonder if the thousand of dead and maimed young men and women of the US and the hundreds of thousands of Muslims who have been butchered would still be alive or with their families today.
The overriding responsibility President Hinckley is referring to is one of the basic beliefs of Latter-day Saints written by Joseph Smith and are known as the Articles of Faith. In Article 12 it says:
"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law."
However, as Deceptions of the Ages: "Mormons" Freemasons and Extraterrestrials points out, those very words were written a year before the "Extermination Decree" made it legal to kill Latter-day Saints in Missouri, and Joseph Smith was arrested because a printing press calling for the extermination of the Latter-day Saints was destroyed under his orders. Would the Latter-day Saints sustain the laws that called for their own extermination?
The point here, is that then and now the world is full of evil men, some of them in the US and some of them outside. To stick one's head in the sand and quote scripture, hoping someone is going to give you the right answers and take care of you, is the commonest mistake in history. From the Israelite bondage in Egypt to their conquest by the Babylonians and the Romans, hoping the murder of Jesus and the continued support of the Pharisees and Sadducees would save them, to the modern day Federal Reserve system that is now turning an entire country into bonded slaves, never able to get out of debt, history, and the ignorance of it, is no excuse and certainly will not lead to any kind of happiness in this world or the next.
In conclusion, to my brothers and sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; I have given you a gift that will not only reaffirm your own faith, but will give you the knowledge (and power) to understand the world around you. Deceptions of the Ages will help you to discuss the historical context of the Church and why it and the teachings of Jesus are so necessary in the world of today. I have lived for twelve years where Christianity is not allowed to be preached. Where women are slaves and men are forced to worship in one way, or be killed. We live in a country where we seek to better each other and ourselves. We cannot hang onto that for much longer if we ourselves are mired in ignorance of our history and of the evil that surrounds us and depends on that very ignorance in order to maintain control of our lives.
Testimony of the Gospel
I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored by God and his Son Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price are correct and I believe the Bible is the living history and Testament of the Israelites. Things may or may not have been exactly as they say because of the barriers of language and time, but they are books and ideas that are daily being reaffirmed in our science and our philosophy. The Freemasons and the Extraterrestrials know the things in Deceptions of the Ages: "Mormons" Freemasons and Extraterrestrials. Latter-day Saints, pull your heads out of the sand and please, please read this book before it is too late.**
*People have openly criticized the title and I myself wanted to call it "Connections of the Ages" but in my heart I felt this was the best title, as it may attract and teach people who were indifferent about the Church.
**The US government is bringing as many non-christians into this country as they can. It will not be long before they will begin to use racism as a tool to eliminate Christians. As Christians, Latter-day Saints need to embrace the Muslims, the Hindus and the people of the Jewish faith and show them that all religions are ways to worship the Living God. Anyone in the Church who preaches fear and intolerance of any religion or creed, is merely preaching the intolerance of the devil.
Matthew D. Heines
Descriptions of books, insights, outlooks on life and dry wit. Political commentary and satirical articles, along with Matthew's unique perspective on how sadly history is repeating itself. A guaranteed chuckle.
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