Saturday, August 13, 2016

Immigration and the 2016 Elections: Part 2 The Failure of Our Educational System

"The dumbed down American population will also choose a political candidate the way it chooses the pharmaceutical drugs or caffeine beverages to which they are addicted. The population will choose whomever promises to give them the most. Of course, if Americans understood the President cannot spend a dime without Congress, they would bring their fertilizer sacks to the the rallies."

Although my readers and followers around the world keep asking me to air my opinions about the campaign, I am afraid that is the problem. Everyone wants to talk about things but no one wants to be pro active. All of my life, from serving my country as a paratrooper, choosing to be a teacher or flying to the Middle East to show the Arabs that we are not all hateful people after the attacks of September 11, 2001, I have established my record of doing what I believe in and not sitting around talking as if that is somehow going to change things. 
    Today, spouting opinions is a cheap way to get a person some kind of weird social credit for having an opinion about a social issue (as long as it is the correct opinion) whether it be in a movie, a TV show or a conversation and whether or not the person knows or cares anything about the issue. Instead, I would like to point out the realities of life in America and the world today as they are, and not as the rich and powerful hope you are stupid enough to believe they are. I will make this first part of the series as brief as possible, and I will add subsequent parts until I have covered the issues enough to let my readers see these issues in the context of my book, Deceptions of the Ages: “Mormons” Freemasons and Extraterrestrials.

Dumb and Dumber
Our Pathetic Schools

     As sad as it is to say, the reason we have a drastic need for immigrants in the first place is because we have been running a third world school system since the end of the nineteen seventies. Every political action group from the far right to the far left, gays, homophobes, all if the 'ists' from capitalists to communists, multiculturalists, federal rulings, lawsuits, zealots on school boards, corruption, television, video games, phones, uninterested parents, genetics, drugs, cops, the military, professional sports organizations, collegiate sports organizations, teacher unions and of course every multinational from car dealers to sellers of soda pop have all moved in to take a cut of our community pork barrels in the name of protecting kids or some such blather. I know. I was there.
     Sadder than that reality is the fact that one of the by products of the societal failure of the public education system (collegiate as well) is a very dumbed down population who are now being classically conditioned through the use of cell phones and other electronic devices that many of the younger generation might not be able to function without. People today are conditioned through the use of buzzwords, and what are called talking points from the media, politicians and anyone else who is trying to sell them something. They hear the same things so often they feel a sense of reward for retaining the information that someone has tried to pass off as useful knowledge, like the ingredients of a famous hamburger. Through this kind of conditioning, mere words are assigned physiological responses and the accompanying images to go along with them. I discuss how the corporation government media use these kinds of tactics in much more detail in Deceptions of the Ages and I would encourage the interested reader to learn more. 
     So, what is the problem? Wouldn’t a more manageable (stupid) society be peaceful and much easier and pleasant to live in? I would hope that it would be easier to get a laugh out of such an audience but, unfortunately, people are not being programmed to blindly obey like you would see in a science fiction movie. Today, people of all races who have no concept of history and who are, for all purposes, educated to the level of the seventh grade, being programmed to hate and to find a victim for why things are not going the way they want them to. I personally blame all of my misfortunes on the people of Saskatchewan Canada, for example, but that is another story. 
     The media today, much like the pharmaceuticals and insurance they are plugging, wants a population of uneducated people who don’t ask questions and who purchase things on impulse (classical conditioning). A look at television shows, commercials, movies and news broadcasts shows us how they are devoted to mindless information and points because the real news is in the advertising. Dividing the poorest and least educated population is the best way to control them.
     The dumbed down American population will also choose a political candidate the way it chooses the pharmaceutical drugs or caffeine beverages it is addicted to. They choose whoever promises to give them the most. Of course, if Americans understood the President cannot spend a dime without Congress, they would bring their fertilizer sacks to the the rallies. 
     With the exception that a person who is actually motivated enough to vote will want to be assured they are not wasting their vote on a loser. To ensure they get their candidate (as if it mattered who won) the media makes sure to post the candidate they want as the projected winner. 
     So, the result of dumb and dumber politically is that this is the system we have had in place since the military coup of John F. Kennedy. Every time the media inflicts a president upon us, Americans think by voting out the last bum, the next one is somehow going to be better. It is this kind of dysfunctional relationship and apathy people have toward our political system that has allowed us to become a running joke to the rest of the world. And then you have the 2016 Elections…

In our next immigration segment, we will talk about slavery then and now: after all, isn't slavery just cheap labor?

Immigration and the 2016 Elections: The Real Issues Part 3: Don't Blame the Illegal Immigrants, Blame the Companies Who Hire Them.

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