Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Aliens & Quantum Bigfoot The Ron Morehead and Kerry Cassidy Interview

Kerry Cassidy and Ron Morehead are both pioneers in the field of UFO and Bigfoot research. Kerry’s Project Camelot has been interviewing top government and military whistleblowers for years. Meanwhile, Ron Morehead is a Bigfoot researcher whose experiences have been documented in a number of documentaries to include David Paulides Missing 411 Hunters. Ron is the author of Voices in the Wilderness, Quantum Bigfoot and the recording Sierra Sounds. Tonight is Ron’s coming out of sorts as we introduce Ron to the UFO Community. Also tonight we are going to be looking at the two separate communities and we are going to try to find evidence that the UFO and Bigfoot community have more in common than anyone originally thought. In one community, there appears to be a sense of stagnation. With everyone singing the disclosure anthem for so long, what people expected to be disclosure turned out to be anti-climactic.

Books in Heinessight Podcast Starts in 30 Seconds

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